Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sisterhood Support!

Let's help each other be more fit physically and spiritually! If you are interested in joining our Sisterhood of Support let Kamille or another member of Relief Society Presidency know you are interested. We will then get you a password so you can join us! We highly recommend it!!

Here's how it works:
1. Choose a Goal: This goal can be anything health/fitness related. Remember to make them practical. Setting smaller goals to help achieve a larger goal works better. They are achievable and less overwhelming. Some ideas for goals: losing 1 lb a week, exercising 4 days a week, exercising 2 hours a week, eating out only 1 time a week, etc. Be creative. Make a goal that will make a better you!
2. Be Accountable: We all know a goal is easier kept when you're accountable to someone (or you've paid someone) That's what we're here for! Once a week you log on and let us know how you've done that week with your personal goal. Let us know what you're goal is first off and then update us. We want to know how you're doing and we would LOVE to encourage you and have your encouragement as well.

It's that easy! Let's work together to get younger this year! We're excited to hear your goals and see how you're doing!
Until then,
The Huntsville Relief Society Sisterhood

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